Friday, March 21, 2008

Pronounced Muh-lay-see-yuh (Malaysia)...


While eating lunch at a Malaysian restaurant I heard "Too Little, Too Late" by Jojo blasting from 1 of 2 muslim girls cell phone, only to be followed by "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson while enjoying my curry naan and freshly squeezed apple juice that tasted like someone took a straw and jabbed it right into an apple. Surreal. Truth be told, I wasn't too surprised about the music - globalization - however, I just didn't have my external harddrive to ask if I could sync the music - let alone, I don't speak Malay. But when has language ever been a barrier?

ps - Penang is sssssoooo chill! Listening to "Kamasutra" by Yogi B. Pretty dope artist from India. Get into it.



writesreadsknits said...

I'm glad to hear your trip is going so well! I can't wait to read more about your amazing experiences.

Safe Travels!

Marz said...

-IMagining you back in class interrupting an ignorant rich white girl-

"Excuse me, this author is discussing Malaysia in his essay, and I was there last year...and...YOU'RE WRONG!!!"

"That doesn't happen in India, I should know...I was there."

Your scholarly reads are going to be so FIERCE!!!! lol

Love, Peace, And Happiness


KLC said...

scruffy bearding it, in the VIETNAM! love, love, love!