Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cansei De Ser Sexi...

Grand Baie, Mauritius

Song: Music is My Hot, Hot Sex...

Music is my boyfriend

"Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen." - Benjamin Disraeli

::Disclaimer - Please, excuse the titles and order of pictures. Use your inductive reasoning skills and figure which goes with can acutally be fun, yeah??? ...Unfortunately, I can't re-organize them, now. Such is life::

A snapshot.
A mere snapshot.
My meandoring gaze, thoughts, feelings, vision, desire.
Dalit - we embraced and danced...compromised identity lost in translation. Dark skinned and white teeth connected.
Disembarking Malaysia, today.
Halfway through through this journey.
Africa, Amerigo Vespucci, Harriet Tubman, Negritude, Strange Fruit, food, culture, association...all come to mind.

Again, just my lens.
Still learning.
I excuse myself.

*Coldplay - Brothers and Sisters is playing*

Men of Dalit - Chennai, India

When in India, do what the Indian's do - WEAR LUNGI'S! - Chennai, India

We Danced - Chennai, India

Moi - Grand Baie, Mauritus

Sunjen and Me @ Kek Lok Si Temple - Penang, Malaysia

Dean at InterAmericana University - San Juan, Puerto Rico

Kek Lok Si Temple - Penang, Malaysia

Robben Island barbed wire - Robben Island, Cape Town, South Africa

Cell of Nelson Mandela - Robben Island, Cape Town, South Africa

Kek Lok si

A turtle gotta eat, too - Penang, Malaysia

Purple Sunshine - Penang, Malaysia

Their Wings - Chennai, India

Serenity - Cape Town, South Africa

Unforgettable - Chennai, India

Saudades...Nat and Mel - Salvador, Bahia, Brasil
